The Pequannock First Aid Squad is a not-for-profit organization governed by a three-member Board of Trustees. These trustees hold the ultimate decision-making authority for the squad and consist of:

  • A Squad Trustee, elected by the squad members.
  • A Public Trustee, a citizen-at-large.
  • A Township Trustee, a member of the Township Council.

Day-to-day administrative responsibilities are managed by the Executive Board, which is divided into two key groups:

  • Administrative Officers: Handle tasks such as bill payments, insurance claims, state filings, and public relations.
  • Operational Officers: Oversee on-scene operations, training, and crew management.

In addition to the Executive Board, there are seven Crew Leaders who are not part of the board but play a vital role in the squad’s operations. Each Crew Leader is a senior member appointed to:

  • Ensure the safety of their crew members.
  • Manage daily crew operations.
  • Oversee and facilitate crew training.

Operational Officers

Thomas Lyons, Jr.
Tom Dempsey
Tyler Denton

Administrative Officers

Dave Stapp
Vice President
Diane Kopp
Greg Renna
Recording Secretary
Allison Kane
Corresponding Secretary
Christine Francescone

Squad Trustees

Squad Trustee
Elaine Stapp
Township Trustee
Kyle Russell
Public Trustee
Jerry McMahon

Our Organization

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