Our Promise

Since 1951, the Pequannock Township First Aid & Rescue Squad has responded to the calls for assistance of our fellow neighbors. Today, as we face unprecedented challenges from COVID19, our members are still responding to your calls for assistance day and night. Rest assured, we are here to help you!

What has changed?

When you call 911, the dispatcher will follow the same procedures as before. However, they will now ask additional questions directly related to the patient and the other individuals in the residence. The answers to these questions will NOT change whether or not an ambulance responds but the information will be provided to the crew so they can properly prepare.

Police officers normally arrive on scene prior to an ambulance. Now, when they arrive, they will station themselves outside and not enter the residence. When the ambulance does arrive, you should not be alarmed on how the crew enters the residence. On many occasions, only one EMT will enter and they will usually be in full PPE, including a disposable gown, goggles, booties, gloves, face mask and a hair dressing. While this may look scary, it should not be. These items fully protect our crew member but still allow them to perform their duties.

When you arrive at the hospital, there may be a longer than anticipated wait time before we enter the facility. This allows us time to register with the hospital, prepare the room and limit everyone’s possible exposure. Again, please do not be alarmed as our EMTs are fully capable of providing you with life saving procedures prior to seeing a doctor.

Finally, we are regularly asked how we sanitize our ambulances after each call. Our standard sanitization procedure remains largely in place, and involves fully disinfecting all surfaces of the stretcher, seating areas and any equipment that may come in contact with a patient. The Township of Pequannock also purchased a UV light which has been certified by the CDC to kill all traces of the virus on any surfaces that the light touches. This is used routinely to ensure our rigs remain clean and safe for our members and patients alike.

Our Response

The Squad, comprised of its nearly 50 members, stands fully ready to respond to your calls for assistance. Even if your emergency is not COVID19 related, an ambulance will respond with fully trained personnel ready to treat you and your medical emergency. However, there are several changes to our operations that have been implemented as discussed above above. Please rest assured that our members are ready and willing to respond.

Where we stand

Currently we have seen an increased use of our PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) by our members on calls. We have an immediate need to restock these items but due to price gouging and supply chain delays, it has become an issue. We currently are in search of N95 masks for our members to wear. If you have the ability to donate these items, please reach out to an operational officer to make arrangements.

At this time, we continue to respond to the emergency calls for assistance in the Township of Pequannock as well as our mutual aid partners.

While the residents of the community have always been extremely supportive of what we do, we want to take a second to thank the dozens of individuals and organizations that have provided equipment, funding and food for our members. We can not thank you enough for your generosity during this time. Here are just a few photos of their kindness.

Members Needed.  Apply Today!