The First Aid Squad takes pride in our equipment and apparatus. All apparatus are funded through the generous donations from residents and through direct tax-payer funding from the Township of Pequannock. The constant maintenance that comes with owning a large fleet of medium/heavy duty vehicles is fully funded by the First Aid Squad through the donations we receive through our fundraising abilities.


Ambulance 56 is the workhorse of our fleet. It features the final ambulance purchased on a van style chassis, an advanced electronics system and the highest quality LED lighting manufactured. It also is loaded with a fully hydraulic stretcher that does away with the need for our members to lift patients.

Ambulance 57 is an entire redesign on our ambulance fleet. Featuring a new, heavier duty 4×4 chassis, new lighting, new graphics and new interior compartments. The Squad took delivery of this apparatus in the fall of 2017. The new rig was put into service shortly there after and is providing assistance to the community.

Ambulance 58 is the first ambulance purchased under our new design initiative. This ambulance was the first of ours to feature the V-Mux electrical system and an all LED lighting system as the primary form of emergency lighting. This ambulance started our basis for all future ambulance design for consistency with our members.

Squad 53 is primarily driven by the Chief of the organization. The vehicle is a 2023 Ford Explorer – Interceptor.  The vehicle replaced a 2005 Dodge Durango that was purchased in large part with funds from Erickson Communities. The vehicle is typically the first vehicle on scene and is equipped with the necessary  medical equipment needed to start care of the patient before an ambulance arrives. 

In 2015, after the squad received several generous donations from the community, the organization purchased an ASAP (Alternative Support Apparatus). This vehicle is a 6×6 off road utility vehicle that is fully stocked as an ambulance and has numerous uses throughout our township and county.

In 2014 the First Aid Squad replaced a 1986 rescue vehicle with a modern, more user friendly vehicle. This truck was designed around the squads current day needs. The vehicle is equiped with supplies for major incidents and also fully set up for fire rehab of our townsihp fire fighters.

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